

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

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It’s easy and fully automated. Use your reservation on your phone (click the ping pong paddle icon or go directly to to access the secure door(s) when you arrive.

You can access the pod 10 minutes before your reservation commences and 30 minutes after your booking by tapping on your reservation under in order to enter or reenter.

No. We have house bats and balls in the pod, but feel free to bring your own equipment if you want to. We also sell premium bats onsite as well.

Pod reservations are spot booking, which means when you book a table you are booking your half of the table. Please invite any friends to your reservation via your booking to include them in your reservation. 

Click the “invite a friend” link under your reservation at and send them the link. Friends must have clicked the link and created an account in order to be able to enter the pod. Guests should use their own account and mobile device to open the pod doors rather than the primary person on the reservation opening the doors for them.

Yes! Feel free to purchase anything listed on our menu by clicking on the drinks & snacks icon or going directly to Sorry, no alcohol is allowed.

We currently do not have showers in any of our pods. Given the autonomous nature of our pods, we have decided not to add the additional complexity and liability which unisex showers in an unsupervised environment could pose.

Yes! Every pod has at least one designated changing area where you can change in private and leave your street clothes on clean hangers and shoes on a rack. 

Yes. You can do so from the Cart as you are checking out. There will be a drop-down menu to pick your desired table provided that it’s not already selected by someone else. The default is “auto-assign” which means that the system will pick a table for you by the time you enter the pod (up to 15 minutes before your reservation). 

Yes! You can extend your table time so long as it’s available after your initial reservation. To do so, please book it through your profile (

If you stay at the table more than 5 mins past your reservation the system will automatically charge you an additional 30 mins. So please make sure you clear the table when your reservation is finished. You are welcome to stay longer in the pod to collect your belongings and freshen up etc. But the table must be cleared within 5 minutes after your reservation ends. If other people are waiting for their reservation you must clear the table immediately.

Our security team will charge penalties to those who significantly overstay and ignore voice downs.

Yes, in both the iOS app and in the web app. Go to “Account info” and hit “Delete account”.

Yes. You can easily cancel your reservation from (the ping pong paddle icon) through the “Cancel Reservation” button. So long as you cancel prior to 12 hours to your reservation there is no charge. After that, there is a minimal charge of £5/hour up to 2 hours before your reservation. If you cancel within 2 hours you will be charged £5/hour less than what your reservation would have been (in the form of account credit). The reason for this charge is that we will most likely not be able to sell that time slot and it prevented another player from playing while it was booked. Either way, please cancel if you can’t make it. We appreciate it. For detailed cancellation information click here.

We employ a third-party security firm which is monitoring each pod 24/7. This firm has a direct connection to the pod via CCTV camera system and built-in speaker system. Also, we have strict rules of the pod which will be enforced in order to keep everybody safe. Rules can be found here.

Yes. Please email [email protected] to do so. More info on private events here.

Not without a reservation – you must make a reservation to use any table – even if the table is empty. Jumping tables may result in a fine.

No. Neither smoking nor vaping is allowed. If you are caught doing either you may be subject to your account being blocked and a fine.

Our security team will charge up to £500 penalties to those who smoke or vape inside the pod.

No. PingPod does not serve alcohol, nor is it allowed to bring your own alcohol onto the premises. Your account may be suspended if you break this rule.

Our security team will charge up to £500 penalties to those who bring and consume alcohol inside the pod.

Yes. Our security will charge penalties for infractions. The penalties vary depending on severity and escalate especially after ignored voice downs or reminders. The following is a list of infractions that carry penalties:

  • Significant overstaying – up to £25
  • Smoking or vaping – up to £500
  • Bringing and consuming alcohol – up to £500
  • Ignoring voice downs and reminder in general – up to “25
  • Breaking or mistreating equipment – no limit
  • Showing disrespect to other customers – no limit
  • and more
Ping Pod
To play at PINGPOD requires PROOF OF VACCINATION as part of the KEY TO NYC

To play at PINGPOD requires PROOF OF VACCINATION as part of the KEY TO NYC